Friday, 16 September 2011

Cardinals and Blue Jays...they entertain us

Cardinals and Bluejays can be entertaining when other, more exotic species are absent. Taking peanut offerings and trustingly performing, sometimes within a few feet they allow us to see their brilliant plumage and flashing flights while we await those eagles, hawks, owls etc.

             In winter, he is so brilliant in contrast to bare branches and snow drifts.

        This character catches peanuts tossed in the air, flying off to stash them 

Monday, 12 September 2011

Cedar Waxwings enjoying mountain ash berries.

These beautiful waxwings were gorging themselves on the ripe mountain ash berries and were quite unconcerned about anyone wanting to approach closely to catch the moment. Generally, they flee when one gets too near their chosen trees. The last image is a juvenile
(note striped breast)